An interesting recent article in CRM Magazine describes some stages of Customer Experience Management (CEM) practice, or commitment, and some key characteristics of each. The labels are:
1) The Self-Centric 2) The Lip-Servicers
3) The Crowd-Followers 4) The Differentiators
Essentially, if a firm finds itself in any of the first three categories, they are either not sincere about CEM, and/or not getting nearly the benefits that are possible from effective CEM. The Differentiators, on the other hand, are using CEM to build long-term competitive advantages.
QuestBack has first-hand experience with companies that are serious about measuring and managing the Customer Experience. By systematically gathering, analyzing and acting on customer feedback, and using metrics like Net Promoter to guide their actions, they are able to continually improve their products and service offerings. They are "moving the needle" for customers, and it shows up in the measurements!
High Return on Investment (ROI)
One QuestBack customer's experience illustrates the power of being a Differentiator. Using a Net Promoter approach to measure and segment customers by loyalty, they designed marketing outreach programs to contact and engage their strongest advocates to generate increased sales from referrals. At last count, based on a significant increase in referral sales alone, they calculated an ROI of over 900% on their investment and use of the QuestBack system. And, this comes on top of the general continuous improvement benefits that they are seeing from really measuring and managing the customer experience.
Click the link to access CRM Magazine article: "You Are What You Measure"
Convert insights to action with QuestBack
Many firms struggle to convert customer feedback into actions that will have measurable impact on customer relationships. QuestBack's product and service offerings are designed to help with this challenge. All are focused on making customer feedback processes highly effective for improving customer relationships - and the bottom line.
How QuestBack Can Help:
1. An effective, proven and easy-to-use feedback management product for gathering, analyzing and acting on customer feedback.
2. A range of services designed to help your organization become an effective practitioner of Customer Experience Management.
- Assessment your current feedback processes, methods and tools.
- CEM program design, tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
- Help with creating optimized survey questionnaires, to get the data you need with minimum time demands on customers.
- Help setting up action triggers and follow up processes that will delight your customers (and your management team).
- Help determining how to best use your own customer data in combination with customer feedback for maximum insight and impact.
- Training and assistance in the analysis / reporting processes so you'll have professional quality data to share (and act on).
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