Monday, May 31, 2010

Customer Experience Megatrend #1

Propagating customer insight remains a major challenge for most enterprises.

Bruce Temkin, in his latest publication "8 Customer Experience Megatrends" lists "Customer Insight Propagation" as #1. We agree. In surveys we've done over the last year - in which many of our readers have participated - we've found that a high percentage of organizations report challenges with using customer feedback effectively. Some of these challenges were attributed to customer feedback management process, some to architecture / technology and some to organizational issues with customer feedback ownership.

Temkin's report is available here: 8 Customer Experience Megatrends

It makes a lot of sense to us that Customer Insight Propagation would make the top of the list. Businesses have made large investments in CRM and Data Warehouse technologies, as well as in market research, in order to accumulate customer data on purchase history, preferences, buying process and much more. What often lacks is an ability to combine these stores of customer information dynamically with Voice of the Customer data in ways that make resulting customer insights easy to distill and distribute.

In our opinion, the majority of the value to be had from Customer Feedback comes only after it is filtered or distilled into actionable insights.  Actionable insights that are dynamically distilled from customer feedback are especially value adding, because they are actionable immediately and the benefits of immediate action are often very large. 

A quick note on the value of metrics when combined with dynamic feedback distillation and delivery.

When you have the infrastructure to distill and deliver customer insights dynamically to key internal actors, metrics can be very powerful.  This is the value premise behind Net Promoter and other customer loyalty / advocacy metrics.  They simplify the process of insight distillation by the design of the metric question and answer scales.  By combining a given net promoter answer with other data like customer value, region, products, etc., distillation of feedback gets relatively easy and doesn't require sophisticated statistical analysis to create actionable insight.  Adding "internal actor" information provides someone to deliver insights to for action. 

QuestBack is especially valuable if you don't have infrastructure to distill and deliver customer insights to internal actors.

QuestBack offers an out-of-the-box solution to this challenge. By feeding QuestBack data from your CRM or Data Warehouse prior to launching customer surveys, you can easily contextualize Voice of the Customer information based on any characteristic your data stores contain about your customers. We then provide built in mechanisms to dynamically propagate the insights produced to people in your business that are most able to use the insight.

Note: Temkin Group is not affiliated with QuestBack Boston. We just find a lot of what he says to be really insightful.

To learn more, visit our website at:

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