Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Commentary on Temkin's 8 Customer Experience Trends for 2011

I closely follow Bruce Temkin's Customer Experience Matters Blog (  Earlier this week Bruce posted some updated thoughts on his report - 8 Customer Experience Trends for 2011.  Since I'm on an Action Tracking and Management thought path these days, I immediately interpreted his blog post through that prism. 

When looking at Temkin's eight trends and reading his more recent remarks, what struck me was how closely related all eight are to the concept of taking action on customer feedback.  And, especially so for the first four:

- Customer Insight Propagation.  Why propagate customer insights unless you're trying to facilitate action taking?
- Unstructured data appreciation.  The purpose of doing a better job understanding unstructured feedback is again, is to generate actions.
- Customer Service Rejuvenation.  An action in and of itself.  Designed to facilitate imporoved action taking on feedback.
- Loyalty Intensification.  Which relys almost entirely on actions taken on customer feedback to produce the loyalty level changes business executives seek.

So, are companies deploying solutions or process improvements for acting on and managing customer feedback data streams?  Except in certain processes - mainly customer support - the answer seems to be mostly - No.  Outside of CRM supported transactional feedback, it seems to me that enterprises generally don't have systems in place to accumulate, propagate, assimilate and act on the myriad types of feedback they get.  Some of which will be rapidly increasing in volume over time. 

Doesn't necessarily bode well for a lot of the spending these companies are going to be doing within the 8 trend areas. 

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