Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Etuma - Best in Breed Sentiment Analysis

Here's an awesome quote from the Insight Now Blog about Etuma's text analysis solution.

"Arguably the best in breed automated sentiment analysis is provided by Etuma" - Insight Now
Click Here to read the entire blog post from Insight Now

I'm sure its going to generate a lot of discussion on the internet amongst companies using automated text analysis services as well as from vendors in the space.

Sentiment analysis has always been considered the most difficult thing to do when interpreting streams of text based feedback. But, doing it using Etuma, combined with key background variables (like NPS categories or scores) and some "eye ball" time on key sub-sets of comments (Which Etuma also makes easy to do) can give you a very accurate, actionable, picture of what customers or constituencies think about your products, services, systems or actions at different points in time.  That an important research house thinks Etuma is the best automated solution means a lot.

Stewart Nash

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Text Analysis - Understanding Operational Change

I had a very interesting conversation with a customer recently.  The conversation resulted in the customer signing a contract for Etuma's text analysis service (Feedback Categorizer / Insight Portal).  I had been in discussions with this particular customer for a number of months with the dialogue going something like this:

- Customer: We really like Etuma's ability to categorize and sentiment rate our transactional NPS Survey feedback. But, we know what we need to do to improve our NPS scores and we're investing heavily to make lots of those changes. So, we can't justify the time and effort to buy and use Etuma right now.  

- Me: I understand, resources are tight all around and taking them from things you know you need to do, to do things you may need to do can be a difficult sell.  Let's revisit this in a few months when your investment and resource commitments have stabilized a bit. I'll touch bases then.

I've known this particular customer for several years. So, instead of pushing what I knew is good argument for Etuma, I thought it better to just wait until things calmed down for him.  So, what changed?  Why did this customer reach back out to me and decide to acquire Etuma Text Analysis?

The answer of course is simple.  The boss (CFO in this instance) wanted some way of understanding if all the financial and other resources they were investing into "doing the things they need to do to improve" actually were helping them to improve. What happened was this company's NPS scores started rising, which they hoped / expected would happen. But, the question they couldn't answer easily was which of the operational changes they made were driving the change in NPS scores. With Etuma, the changes in feedback, both from a topic perspective and a sentiment perspective, are easily mapped to implementations of operational changes, giving managements a very rapid and correlated understanding of the effects their decisions are having on customers.

Fortunately, implementing Etuma is almost as easy as deciding to buy it. So, getting data on NPS and its changes is a fairly simple matter.  Its great to have another Etuma customer. Its even better to see that corporate management is willing to invest in methods for understanding if their actions are producing the results they seek. Better still for this company, the investment needed to aquire Etuma Text Analysis was very modest.

Stewart Nash
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/stewartnash

Try Etuma for free.  Click Here