Thursday, May 19, 2016

4 Reasons to try Etuma Text Analysis

Its been a while now since I last posted on Etuma's value proposition. Needless to say, since that time the folks at Etuma have done boatloads of product enhancements. Though I've always felt Etuma offered huge value to American businesses, I am more convinced today than ever before of its value proposition. For companies doing business in the Americas, Europe and other places where European languages prevail, Etuma can provide insights, enable better decision making and reduce the costs of customer experience analysis. 

4 Reasons Etuma Text Analysis is really good for your business....

Reason #1. - Most importantly, Etuma shows you what your customers are talking about, as well as how they feel about each topic. In today's world of text analytics - euphemistically - this is table stakes. But, Etuma "antes up", with multiple "Viewpoints" (industry and function categorization models) and automated topic / sentiment analysis.  For those who don't know, doing both topic and sentiment analysis together offers unique value because it helps pinpoint areas where problems exist, opportunities present or change is occurring. Etuma's analytics allow views based on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual changes in topic sentiment across entire sets of verbatim comments, or for any filtered subset of the data. 

Reason #2. Etuma is very user friendly. It doesn't require data scientists, data analysts, or other expensive experts to use the product in order to produce hugely valuable insights for your business. Once you feed data into Etuma, you can start analyzing results. This makes Etuma extremely cost effective from an operational standpoint. You don't need expensive consultants in order to create and use verbatim insights. Needless to say, this ability to avoid $200 per hour consultants saves money.  

Reason #3. Etuma's Dashboard-like presentation of feedback results let you share and act on insights rapidly and easily. For more in-depth analyses Etuma's connectors to Tableau and other Dashboard systems lets you easily incorporate all your verbatim feedback into your business analyses. But, once data is in Etuma, any report you create is shareable out to dozens of colleagues simply by assigning them access to it. Reports, once set up, automatically update as new feedback comes into the system. Again, operationally, Etuma saves you lots of money because your reports don't have to be manipulated by data experts in order to provide value to colleagues.

#4. Etuma is multi-language out-of-the-box. ZERO additional effort is required to have Etuma analyze verbatim feedback in any of 10 European languages. It reports results in any of the 10 languages it supports. So, if your CX team has people in Germany, France, US, Spain, etc., each can see their reports in local language, even though feedback came through in any of the other nine languages. Any comment, in any analysis can be immediately translated to local language at the click of a button. Etuma's Language support is enormously cost effective as it facilitates collaboration among CX staff in multiple countries and virtually eliminates the need for translation services for CX analysis. 

Etuma is a low cost solution. Our customers typically pay well under 1 cent per verbatim comment analyzed.  

Etuma's Value Proposition - High quality topic / sentiment analysis in a user friendly package offering an operationally efficient implementation with low requirements for data or language experts. All in a low cost product.

Lastly and best of all, Etuma offers a free trial. You load some data then start analyzing. Its that simple.  If you'd like to try Etuma. Just contact me.  

Stewart Nash
Etuma USA

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mobile / On-line delivery optimizes Transactional survey response

I've been working on Transactional surveys with a new QuestBack customer for the last couple of months where our QuestBack is replacing another vendor's product. What' been very encouraging is the response rate improvements QuestBack mobile adaptive surveys are receiving. The surveys we've implemented thus far are receiving substantially greater response rates. The difference, in my opinion is "device adaptive" survey forms. 

Device adaptive simply means that QuestBack surveys present equally well on mobile, tablet or standard laptop / desktop devices. Obviously, this allows respondents to respond from wherever they happen to be when they receive an invitation. It has absolutely increased response rates for the client. 

How much better are QuestBack's device adaptive surveys? Transactional surveys often receive lower response rates, 8-10% being typical. Mobile only survey companies discuss "mid-teens" response rates as being high. On one survey using QuestBack, the customer is receiving over 20% response versus ~12% before. On another they are approaching 30% versus 25% before.    

QuestBack's device adaptive, multi-channel and closed-loop follow up supported surveys produce high response rates and provide detailed insights about customers. In fact, one client I do surveys for using QuestBack is receiving a nearly 50% response rate on a relationship survey delivered via e-mail.  I've discussed this phenomenon in other posts before (see for more information). But, wanted to point out that device adaptability can have a powerful effect on transactional survey response rates too.

Stewart Nash