Friday, September 20, 2013

Turning customer feedback into action is the number one challenge for customer strategists

"Turning customer feedback into action is the number one challenge for customer strategists." - Walker Information, Inc.

Anyone who has visited this Blog knows that I've written numerous posts about the value-add of alert based survey follow-up processes. And, that QuestBack's Ask & Act toolset supports implementation of rules based on-line survey follow-up processes.

I don't normally highlight marketing materials distributed by competitors (even if they aren't really competitors). Walker and QuestBack are both in the business of helping companies take effective actions on customer feedback using on-line surveys, analytics, follow-up, reporting, etc.  Though in practice, I have never really found myself selling against them.  Our solution methodologies and price points are very different.

Walker recently released a marketing piece that I thought worthy of writing about.  Its a two-page blurb about one of their customers who received great value from implementing a "hot-Alert" process that allowed their client to implement follow-up on customer survey respondents with problems or issues.  And, also to identify and act on new sales leads from the data.  The blurb states: "In one year they (Walker's customer) were able to convert thousands of sales leads into millions in revenue." through this hot-Alert process.

For anyone interested.  The Walker piece is titled: "Taking Action Produces Big Pay-Off".  The Walker site is:

At QuestBack, our mantra has always been "ASK & ACT".  We've been talking about this topic for almost ten years.  We have customers who've been doing alert based follow up for at least that long.  And, it works.  This kind of recognition by another vendor like Walker is great news for us at QuestBack because it's another validation of our approach. 

Where QuestBack solutions implement Alert based survey follow-up processes at a fraction of the cost of a Walker implemented process.  I would think this kind of publicity would be good for business going forward.

Stewart Nash


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