Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Survey is Dead, Long Live the Survey - Part 2

Four years ago I wrote a post here titled: "The Survey is Dead - Long Live the Survey".  At the time over-surveying was a problem being talked about a great deal in the trade magazines and blogs. Response rates were declining across the market research industry. The argument then was that social media data streams would replace a lot of Surveys.

Fast forward to 2015. I think the exact opposite has occurred. Today, more people are being offered more surveys than ever before. And response rates appear to have stabilized or maybe even gone up.  In 2011, I said that: "social media may actually increase both the frequency as well as the value received from customer surveys". I believe this statement has been proved even more true than I had imagined it would be. But, its been for different reasons. Or, maybe for reasons related to those I had mentioned. I had thought that social media would force businesses to respond to feedback in more real-time ways. And, today many do so, mainly through on-line chat applications. But, almost all electronic methods of communication with businesses today offer some kind of feedback capability. Virtually all of them employ some kind of survey technology to collect and distribute the feedback.

So, In point of fact surveys today are more ubiquitous than ever before.  And the reason is simple, businesses need to know something about the people giving them feedback in order to act on it.  Also true is that transactional and even relationship surveys are even more widely used now than then. Again, for the reasons I had described. They simply provide businesses with too much valuable, actionable feedback (at a very low cost) to stop being a core feedback management tool. What has changed is that surveys are being better designed and are a lot more respectful of people's time than in the past. So more people are willing to take them.

Of course survey technology is improving. Today, many web surveys are Mobile Device Enabled (MDE). MDE surveys appear to generate higher response rates. In my opinion, because people can use their smartphones on the subway, train or bus (or anywhere else that's connected to the internet) to take surveys. Also SMS text messaging can be used to deliver a survey to mobile users, meaning people don't even need e-mail accounts to be reachable anymore. Survey links are embedded in social media now all the time, further extending their potential reach. As a result, survey-able populations are larger. And, with larger populations and higher response rates, its no surprise that more surveying than ever is going on.

A plug for QuestBack.  All QuestBack Essentials surveys are fully MDE. They can be delivered via URL, Email, QR Code, Pop Up Script, embedded in social media or even sent via SMS text.

Surveys aren't dead at all.  They are more alive than ever before, used in more places and for more purposes than ever before and providing more value to businesses than ever before.  Long Live the Survey!

Stewart Nash

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